Valentines Day Tours of the Egyptian Theatre on Feb. 14 at 10:30 AM
Taste a Cheremoya! A popular fruit crop of the early 20th Century!
The Cinematheque's monthly behind-the-scenes tours of the Egyptian Theatre take a romantic bent on Saturday, February 14th (Valentines Day) with a special emphasis on Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks, some chocolate and an opportunity to taste a Cheremoya fruit (also known as a custard apple) which was a popular crop in the Hollywood area in the early 20th century. Cheremoya Street and School are named for this unusual fruit that came to North America from Spain via Mexico. Our Cheremoyas are from the Hollywood Farmers Market and were picked fresh in 2009 (these are not actual vintage fruits). The Cheremoya never gained the popularity of say, the Pineapple (which was also grown in the Hollywood area when this was an agrarian community). I'll be anxious to hear what people think of the Cheremoya. I am ripening them now in anticipation of Saturday's tours. Hey, this might be our first notice about a fruit, not a film! Join us for a tour and cheremoya tasting! Tour Details.