Former 'New York Perks' Space On Smith Street Is Renting For $12,000 A Month

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The space recently vacated by New York Perks, the slightly shady martini bar/ nightclub that closed its doors back in the fall of 2012 is currently being marketed by Smith Hanten Realty.

The approximately 2,500 square foot retail space with 25 foot wide frontage at 193 Smith Street has a large basement that was utilized by Perks for private parties, but the extra space below street level may not have been quite legal. On its site, Perks boasted about its 3400 square foot facility, but the business never got the necessary Public Assembly Permit from NYC Department of Buildings to accommodate all the extra customers.

(A Public Assembly Permit is required when more than 75 people [including staff] gather in one establishment. The PA permit addresses proper fire safety, egress and safety lighting and is issued jointly by the Buildings Department and Fire Department.)

The listing by Smith Hanten reflects the correct usable square footage and just mentions the basement as an extra feature.

What do you think of the monthly rent? A bit steep for Smith Street? Or just about right?