State Senator Velmanette Montgomery Requests Investigation Into Gowanus Canal Contamination Post-Hurricane Sandy

11-12-2012 Letter to DEC requesting toxicity study of Gowanus post Sandy copy

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In a move that will surely be applauded by Gowanus residents and business owners, State Senator Velmanette Montgomery is urgently requesting the New York State's Department Of Environmental Conservation to perform a complete investigation of the lands on either side of the heavily polluted canal post-Hurricane Sandy
In a just released letter to NYS DEC's Commissioner Joe Martens,  Senator Montgomery cites the sewage and the toxin-laced waters that flooded into homes and businesses and asks that potential hazards be assessed.
In particular, she mentions the Lightstone Development Corporations' site on Bond Street along the canal that was under several feet of water.
"Given the now likely contamination of the site my concern has sharply escalated and I feel a new EIS  [environmental impact study] is absolutely required," Montgomery writes.

Thank you, Senator Montgomery for your continuing support of the Gowanus Community and for taking a stand for the safety of your constituents (and future constituents) in this water front community.